Diane Bilderback
Church Receptionist
When and Where I got saved:
I went forward as a 12 year old and was baptized, but later felt like I wasn’t complete in my salvation because I went through the motions of what I thought I should do. (Mt Pleasant Baptist Church) Later I accepted Christ as my Savior, was baptized, and now have a walk with the Lord everyday like none other.
Favorite Bible Verse
Proverbs 3: 4-6
Go-To Coffee Order
Vanilla Mocha
My dad had a nickname for all us five kids. Mine was Flipper.
Favorite/Least Favorite Food
Favorite: Gelatin Salads, Least: blue cheese anything
In my spare time I...
Read Christian mysteries/romance
People that inspire me
Those who go through bad situations and keep getting up and still have a positive Christian attitude.
The one thing people probably don't know about me
I loved to kid my younger brothers growing up. We are all close (and I still kid around with them).
Weird Quirks
I still like to dress up
My least favorite thing to do
cleaning out flower beds.
My hidden talent is
I’m still looking.
What makes me laugh is...
people who are naturally funny and don’t know it.
Biggest Fear
Favorite Movies
Hallmark movies
Favorite Sports
Volleyball, softball, watching my grandson in motor cross racing
Favorite Music/Bands/Singers
I have a variety of favorites
Favorite Books
With Malice Toward None by Stephen Oates, Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby, Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren
Most adventurous thing I've ever done
Tell us about your family
Husband Billy, who I met at age 9 and had a crush on him ever since (married 51 years); daughters Susan who lives in Syracuse, NY, and Amy who is married to Chuck Milner. They have four children: Alyson, Jamison, Blake, and Abby and all live here in Denison.